Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Azizah Whitlock Online Shop Now Officially Open!

Assalamualaikum & hello, apa khabar semua? Lama kan tak post apa-apa? Sebenarnya bukan taknak post apa-apa tapi d sebabkan laptopku yg dah agak uzur tu terkena virus and tak boleh langsung dgunakan bila ada access internet! Stress kan? Kalau ikutkan banyak yang nak d update dekat blog ni, percutian d indonesia, bercuti d redang, puasa & raya celebration and macam-macam lagilah. Tapi susahlah nak update guna phone je, macam sekarang ni. Anyway, post kali ni agak penting sebab bukan post merapu meraban but a post about my new online shop! Okay dari tahun lepas lagi dah target nak buka bussiness ni tapi tak pernah ada peluang, but now i've taken one step ahead by releasing a custom made square hijab line and more are coming soon seperti rectangle shawls, halfmoon shawls, cardigans, shirts, blouses, skirts, bags and lots more!! Excited tak? Silakan excited because I am!! Ok back to the topic, sekarang dah release the first line of custom made square hijabs atau senang nak cakap tudung bawallah. Tudung bawal yang dah release ni ramai ckp macam orang dululah, makcik-makciklah... Tapi sebenarnya cik-cik puan semua vintage style is sooooo in right now and motif-motif yang pelbagai ni boleh buatkan style anda lebih funky! Tapi kalau rasanya tak berminat dgn style-style macam ni, jangan risau sebab akan keluar batch baru nanti, mesti korang suka sebab boleh pakai ntok gaya casual or formal. Okay so kalau korang nak tengok-tengok boleh usha-usha d page Azizah Whitlock, not my personal profile but page. here's the link :

so here are a few designs that I've made and sendiri pakai ye.. will show you how to style these lovelies next time.

Batik Art

English Rose

Mint Green Garden

So kalau berminat bolehlah berkunjung ke page kami and ada lagi banyak design kat sana. Setakat ni hanya ada square shawls or bawal. Insyaallah kami akan mengeluarkan rectangle shawl nanti.. stay tuned!!

 Thank you lovelies.

Oh, one more thing. We r having a SALE right now, so get off your bums and start searching!

Yours truly,

Ave whitlock.

Monday, 27 May 2013

Dusting off the Sawangs..

So hello there whoever you are, yeah.. bertahun-tahun baru reti nak update blog kan? sibuk mengalahkan PM kononnya. Anyway, today I figured it's about time i updated this dusty old blog (sawang tergantung). So what the hell am i gonna talk about today? to top it off, i'm typing these words in the middle of the night while listening to Salam Music on the player and before i start to drift away talking about music i better start talking about what i'm supposed to talk about. Well i'm not "supposed" to type about it, i just want to (macam wajib lak tulis blog). So today i decided to add on some extra pages to my blog, why? because a friend of mine tegur dan tanya pasal my engagement and I realized that i have not updated nor made any adjustment what so ever to my old stinkin blog! So I decided to add some tabs (tu je pon) hahaha.. I decided to add these on because i just thought it would make my blogging easier and more organised, since I sometimes have a lot to talk about from different topics and it might be easier for people to browse through according to the topics, for instance I've set up tabs for "Health & Beauty", "Wedding" and "Hijrah & Motivation" because you know i loooooveee to nag like a "Mak Cik" kan? and I sometimes like to share some things regarding religion because I am still new to the whole concept of following our religion properly and so when I read through articles and the quran i feel that i would like to share it on my blog, but i just end up sharing it on facebook because i'm too lazy to sort things out on my blog, now takda alasan dah for not posting kan? Now i'll elaborate on the things i'll talk about according to topic's maybe senang sikit faham kot gitu?

1.  Home : My Life
     Would be the main page of course the hot, hit and fresh from the oven happenings. 

2. Health & Beauty
    Here, i'll share my beauty tips. Wahhh.. macam cantik sangat je kan? I might not be the prettiest person, but i rarely get breakouts. So skincare tips, the best "affordable" skincare and beauty tips like the best drugstore makeup or something. On health i will share my food choice and outdoor activities, I might not     be the most active person, but i make use of the little time i have with small exercises like skipping rope.

3. Le Fashion
    Okay, again i know "style sangat ke kau pakai?" and the answer is not really. I have my own sense of style, and i have reasons for choosing the clothes i wear. So here i'll share Outfit of the day(OOTD) and new clothes that i buy online or offline. I might also do a few hijab tutorials sebab orang asyik tanya "macam mana pakai tudung gitu, buatlah tutorial" and stuff like that. So i just might,  and just to point out here that I am not the most stylish person therefor i wont be dressing up everyday(bukan tak pakai baju ye?).

4. Hijrah & Motivation
    haaa... dah terangkan dah tadi kan? So i'll make it short and sweet.. Hijrah i'll be sharing posts related to things i recently learned from the religion topics and i'll be sharing stories of motivational things that happen to me in my daily life, topics such as bully and respect are the type of topics that will be featured here. 

5. Wedding
    Wedding? wedding pon ada ke? Am I a wedding planner? noooo... not at all, but I am getting married next year and this tab will be featuring my preparations for my upcoming wedding. So keep your fingers crossed hopefully everything will run smoothly. 

6. Travel & Food (will be updated later)
     I sometimes travel to places and here i will share my memories from all those travels. Other than travel I would also do some reviews on food, yelah mana tempat sedap and so on. These topics might help you on your travels and also help you find new places to have dinner. aite?

So far those are the topics that i would like to cover and hopefully i could actually full fill this promise of mine that i keep breaking!!! tak baik kan mungkir janji? So i'll try to keep up and write up a blog every week(hopefully) Soooo... Till next time.

Love you always,

Ave whitlock

Tuesday, 9 April 2013


Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera kepada yg non muslim tu.. korang dah tengok video buli baru-baru ni yang tersebar dengan meluas and pantas dekat FB tu? alah yang pelajar-pelajar sekolah menengah pukul ketua tingkatan diorang tu? Tak tengok lagi? oohh my god.. anda perlu lihat sebab itulah isu yang aku nak bincang kali ni.

dah tengok? ok.. So mesti sekarang ni korang dah ada mood yang aku inginkan dan akan faham sedikit sebanyak perspektif aku tentang semua benda ni. hurm.. first of all, kenapa benda bodoh macam ni boleh jadi? kenapa perlu pukul? kan? masa aku kat sekolah dulu benda-benda macam ni hanya berlaku kepada budak-budak kelas corot sahaja. Tapi pelajar zaman sekarang kan sepatutnya lebih bijak and advance sebab dengan adanya internet dan sebagainya sebagai sumber untuk menjadi manusia yang lebih bertamadun? Tapi sayang still jadi jugak and kalau tak silap aku perkara ini terjadi di penang, lagilah rasa macam tak patut sangat jadi kan? sebab penang dah maju kot?u have everything there.. dah macam KL yg kecik sikit je. Anyway aku nak cakap pasal benda yang mungkin jadi penyebab benda ni jadi, to make it easier aku akan tulis dalam point form and dalam cara scenario baru menarik sikit.So here it goes.

Perkara yang menyebabkan berlakunya "BULI" :

1. Peer pressure

    kenapa aku cakap peer pressure? yelah, kita kan lebih rapat dengan kawan-kawan. so mungkin bila dah tersalah pilih kawan yang bermasalah diorang akan ejek dan perli kalau kita ni terlampau baik n naive. tak gitu? aku pon dulu sekolah bukanlah angel, ada gak nakal sikit-sikit.. tapi sekadar ponteng class yang aku tak suka(please jangan ikot perangai ni) n tak buat kerja sekolah.. hee..So bila dah d ejek mesti pressure kan? eg. "weh shameq, kami nak p belakang blok sat hang nak ikot?"(nak g smoke) "takmaulah satgi cikgu tangkap mampoih", "Alah.. lekehlah hang ni, cekgu pon takot.dia bukan bleh buat apa pon. jomlah cikgu mai kita larilah." and so on.. d sebabkan benda-benda macam nilah banyak pelajar mostly lelaki akan terlibat ngan kegiatan jenayah dan pelajar perempuan pulak maruah tergadai. ishk.. ishk.. tapi aku bersyukur yang aku di temukan kawan yang baik n agak nerd(aku tak kisah).. so kitorang baik-baik je.. :)

2. Media Massa

    Argh.. jawapan standard SPM ni.. tapi percaya atau tak memang benda ni betul.. semua kita kena reflect dekat diri sendiri. Aku sebagai student Film ada belajar tentang Media Studies yang menerangkan effect media kepada umum dan caranya, we know what we are doing. Cuba tengok dalam almari baju(girls) mesti penuh ngan baju-baju trend terkini, peplum, fish tail ect. sebab apa? trend kan? dari mana wujudnya trend? majalah, tv, internet, blog, dan sebagainya kan? secara tak langsung apabila benda tersebut menarik perhatian kita and selalu di tunjukkan pada pandangan kita, kita akan teringat dan akan teringin memiliki atau membuatnya. Media juga adalah refleksi perkara yang terjadi dalam real life sebagaimana yang kita tonton dalam drama dan filem, sebab itu senang relate, dan bagi aku pelajar bermasalah tertunduk dengan sesetengah filem, drama atau video yang memaparkan keganasan. Kita ingat takda apa pon bila tengok tapi sebenarnya ada effect, kinda like brain wash tapi secara halus.

3. Masalah keluarga atau orang yang terdekat.

    Yes, lagi satu jawapan cliche' tapi sangat betul. Psychology manusia adalah kita tak boleh melihat orang lain dalam kesusahan kita akan rasa kasihan dan turut rasa sedih kan? bayangkan benda tu berlaku setiap hari? benda tu boleh mendepresskan orang tambahan remaja. kenapa remaja senang pulak? jawapannya ialah kerana remaja adalah kanak-kanak yang tengah berubah untuk menjadi dewasa, hormon tak stabil kan? masa-masa inilah yang paling rapuh sekali buat manusia, jika tersalah boleh menjadikan orang tu depress seumur hidup. Di masa remajalah turning point setiap orang, ada orang semakin pandai, bodoh, baik or jahat. Ramai yang saya sendiri observe berubah secara mendadak semasa zaman persekolahan padahal sekolah rendah baik je ngan kita. Semua start dari rumah, kalau ibu bapa bertempik, pukul n maki hamun budak tu akan jadi depress n pressured, dia akan cuba untuk mereleasekan dengan cara lain d tempat lain. Kalau dengan cara elok seperti menulis muzik or melukis tak apa, bagus sangat tetapi kalau dah start buat balik dekat orang lain pukul dan sebagainya, this is a big NO NO!

4. Sakit Mental

    Haaa... ni senang tak payah cakap, ada sesetengah orang ni dah terlampau pressured sampai sakit mental dan kita sendiri tak perasan. Dulu masa aku kat sekolah, masa form 1 ada seorang senior nama dia aku tukarlah nama dia kat sini kita panggil dia MAT. ok, mat ni pendiam orangnya, tak pandai sangat kelas pon kelas corot n kerja selalu je tak siap. Ada satu hari tu sorang cikgu ni mengamuk kat dia marah bising-bising dia tak buat kerja/tak bawak buku lalu suruh dia keluar kelas. Mat ni pon keluar n teros pergi naik moto dia n balik, tak lama lepas tu dia datang balik bawak parang n nak tetak cikgu tu.. gila tak? nasib baik di maklumkan awal n cikgu tu sempat lari sembunyi. teruk jugaklah si mat ni menempik, menjerit cari cingu ni sampai jadi kes polis. So di sini moralnya jangan marah melulu, and pantaulah anak takot-takot dia sebenarnya sedikit tak waras kan? nanti jadi mcm ini pulak, lagi... susah.

5. Remaja yang pernah di dera or abuse.

    Perkara ni sangat serius, remaja yang pernah di abuse oleh ibu atau bapa cenderung untuk melakukan perkara-perkara violent dekat orang lain, kadang kala pada adik-adik sendiri! Ini kerana keadaan mental yang sudah kurang stable akibat tekanan dan ketakutan dan mungkin juga memendam geram dan amrah terlampau lama. Mental abuse juga boleh menjadi salah satu sebab. Kita selalu memarahi anak kita dengan macam-macam benda "tak boleh buat ini, tak boleh buat itu, jangan kawan dengan ini, pergilah buat itu" and the dialog goes on.. mental abuse menyebabkan tekanan dan menyebabkan sesetengah remaja kurang keyakinan diri kerana terlampau di larang untuk membuat apa-apa. kadang kala juga di ugut jikalau buat sesuatu dia pasti akan di pukul. Remaja begini cenderung untuk menjadi orang yang bermasalah atau liar apabila bebas dari ibu bapa  resulting to culture shock! jangan terkejut aku ni yang dari Langkawi pergi KL tapi tak rasa pressured untuk pergi club dan sebagainya sebab aku bebas di rumah dulu. Tetapi aku jumpa di college aku dahulu seorang student yang padanya sangat baik dan menutup aurat dan ibu bapa yang sangat baik akhirnya rosak apabila bebas dengan pergi ke club, memakai pakaian yang terlampau seksi and mudah keluar n mempercayai mana-mana lelaki sehingga terpaksa di laporkan kepada pihak warden kerana sahabat-sahabat yang risau kerana dia keluar tanpa mengenakan seluar dalam sedangkan memakai skirt pendek! masyaAllah... biarlah di rahsiakan siapa individu ini tetapi kita perlu faham yang ini bukan salah dia sahaja tetapi kerana terlalu di lindungi dan tiada kebebasan.

So ini antara sebab yang aku rasakan menjadi penyebab kejadian buli dan ada gak terpesong cakap pasal masalah sosial tetapi semua ni berkait sangat rapat. mungkin boleh di jadikan pedomanlah sedikit sebanyak tu kan? mungkin ada yang setuju dan mungkin ramai yang tidak bersetuju dengan perkara ini. Di sini ingin saya maklumkan yang saya sendiri dari broken family, tapi Alhamdulillah mak saya tidak pernah mengajar saya untuk membenci bapa saya hanya kerana kami berpisah dan saya menerima dengan terbuka kedatangan ibu tiri dan juga adik-adik saya. Mak saya juga mencuba untuk memberikan segala yang saya perlukan.. tag line dia "Kalau benda belajar mummy tolong, kalau benda-benda lain simpan duit beli sendiri". OK sedih sikit di situ tapi banyak mengajar aku untuk menguruskan wang aku.So adik-adik yang baca tu, sila ambil iktibar sikit and janganlah buli-buli ni.. macam manusia tak bertamadun pulak akak tengok. hehehe.. until the next post!

jadi manusia bertamadun!

Ave Whitlock.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Le Engagement

Hi how hello!!! sooo... last week was my engagement!! yippie! okay.. so banyak orang macam confuse kan? eh hari tu bukan ke cakap dah engage? ni tunang lagi? apakah? so here's the deal, orang melayu ni kan banyak beradat kan? and to me some of the adats are really good for instance what my family and my soon to be hubbys family did, that is adat merisik. So yang tahun lepas tu family dia datang merisik, tapi ada jugak cincinnya. Last week was the official engagement with all the hantarans and perbincangan and such. So, nak tengok ke gambo-gambonye? hihik.. okay sini saya selitkanlah sikit ye gambarnya.. some of the edited ones of course, thanks to my niece sebab 'TERBAWAK' camera DSLR dia and ambik most of these pictures. Ada lagi loads of pictures from other cameras tapi belum sempat ambik lagi, and of course these are pre-mature photographers pictures so i had to pick the non-goyang, un-overexposed and teroverexposed pictures. Here they are :

the bunga tangan by Creative Mints, check them out on facebook.

The perbincangan

Me n my fiance :)

the puch pose hahaha..

again promoting the bunga tangan :)

 purple theme people

me n my cousin n niece

after the majlis, viel made by my friend who owns a taylor shop. ask me for more info.

So there you have it the majlis bertunang, I'm so happy we've made it through and alot of thanks to my family for helping me out eventhough i had a nervous breakdown a few days before. I always want things to be ready before hand so, i feel panicky when there's alot to be done at the last minute. Thank god we made it through and sorry for the pain i've put you through. Until next time.

Yours Truly,

Ave Whitlock.

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

The Sweet, Sad and Angry video

so tadi tengah-tengah browse facebook aku terjumpa this one video. Bila dah tengok rasa macarh, sedih semua berbaur-baurlah. tengok dulu lepas tu baru aku start explain kay?

so dah tengok? kalau tak tengok pon takpalah, suka hati. At first masa video ni baru start aku macam alaa... sweetnya lelaki ni.. Then tengok "ala... dia kerja diam-diam untuk girlfriend sweet.. sama macam hubby saya", then at the middle dah start menyampah! bukan dekat lelaki tu tapi kat perempuan tu,
yelah.. sapa tak marah? menggatal, menggedik ngan lelaki lain. If he's just a friend that's totally fine, tapi dah kalau berpeluk, cakappon manja-manja tak ke lain tu kan?and to top it off, they did it in front of the guys own eyes. Huh... nasib baiklah benda macam ni tak pernah terjadi kat aku, kalau jadi aku sunatkan lelaki tu (for me it will be a guy lah kan?not a girl). So itu saja kot? tiba-tiba rasa nak update pasal tu..hehe.. so mungkin moral dari video ni, apa-apa nak buat bagitau and dengan sapa, and tolonglah please people.. tolonglah jadi setia and jujur. hokay? a positive life is a good one!! until next time!


Ave Whitlock

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Childhood memory 1

hehe.. okay i know, tadi baru je update. (update yang tak ada faedah dan manfaat) tiba-tiba teringat something, memory masa aku kecik-kecik dulu.. huhuhu.. tadi mak aku ada beli kuih sikit, dan aku pon pergilah pilih-pilih and ada satu karipap ni rupa dia macam pelik sikit(bagi aku) kesian dia macam cacat. tak percaya? cer tengok ni..

Kan?? hehe.. anyway nak cerita ni pasal childhood aku. Masa kecik-kecik dulu orang keep on ajar aku nama benda ni, benda tu, makanan ni, minuman tu.. so overwhelming kat aku(kesian..) tapi nak buat macam mana sekarang pon aku buat benda sama kat budak-budak sebab nak ajar dia, hahahaa... anyway, orang asyik ajar aku yang karipap ni nama dia karipap, tapi masa ni aku asyik panggil karipap ni ketupat sebab nama lebih kurang sama. So, di sebabkan kelembapan aku ni aku tros menerus panggil karipap ni ketupat and tak lama lepas tu bila raya aku panggil ketupat tu karipap. "mak cik nak karipap", so secara automatik mak cik itu akan confuse and akan cakap "mana ada karipap raya-raya ni nah ketupat", n lepas tu aku pulak yang confuse. hahaha.. terasa lem.. n noob ja masa kecik-kecik dulu. lepas tu aku masih ingat nama-nama makanan lain pon aku akan confuse, dulu sirap aku tak panggil sirap aku panggil ayer merah(mungkin ramai gak kot orang macam ni) and ada sorang pak cik jual goreng pisang tipu aku, dia jual ubi goreng tu.. alah ubi kayu yang ada kelapa and celop tepung kemudian goreng tu... sedap sangat. dulu aku suka makan, makanan kegemaran habislah, setiap petang sebelum g main kat taman mesti mak aku singgah beli. Ada satu hari tu aku turun sekali, and aku tunjuklah mak aku nak kuih tu. Mak aku nak ambik and pak cik tu tros tegur dia cakap adik kuih tu orang panggil kuih isabella, and believe it or not sampai tahun lepas aku panggil kuih tu kuih isabella sebab tak tau orang panggil kuih tu kuih apa... hish... sedihnya hidup kan?? ok tu jelah setakat ni, menunjukkan aku ni lurus sikit orangnya mudah sangat percaya... (dululah, sekarang adalah kot sikit) :P
until the next post.

Signing off,

Ave Whitlock

Just For Fun

Ergh... rindu kat cousins and nieces.. nasib baiklah minggu depan semua gegilo ni akan sampai Langkawi..muahahaha... I have an evil fun plan :P

Friday, 15 March 2013

A 5 minute blog post

The Car I want!! :) and le colour dark grey

I wanted to write something but then i erased everything because.. just because. huh... okay... i'll just write eveything in check points then, well maybe not... i'm running out of ideas on how to write  up everything in mind but here it goes.

I had to differ yet another semester because of health related problems and my mom wanted to monitor everything i eat and do.... so here i am back in my home town Langkawi. and because of this i am being forced(well not really) to finish up my drivers license and hopefully this May or June I'm getting my own car.. yey!!! okay so.. i am targetting  on buying the Mitsubishi Mirage, just because it is small, cheap, the fuel consumption is awesome!!! and i can so totally save money, and of course it is convenient to have a small car in the city because it's easier to park and i dont really need a large car. it's not like i have 10 kids to pickup every day right? uh... then there's that., "marriage". next few weeks i am getting officially engaged.. omg! right? i know i'm excited too. but then.. my mom wanted to postpone the wedding to next year because she wanted to have a bigger wedding because of her friends, clients, neighbours, family... bla.. bla..bla... so yeah. i'm like come on.. cant we just get married and get over it, sometimes i dont get why we have to satisfy everyone else when I.."I"  am the one getting married here. but then.. i wont complain any more because it's all being paid for sooo... i'll just shut up and have some fun right? yeah.. well.. i think that is just about it. but just an addition, i promise this is the last thing for this post(sorry for the stupid grammer mistakes here. i'm to lazy to change them) for these few months i'll be needing a lot of time on my self, so i am sorry if i do not reply some comments, texts,whatsapps, or tweets. i just wanted some time off from everything and everyone. I'm having some issues of my own that i want to resolve. so thank u and sorry again.


Ave Whitlock

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Bitching a.k.a mengumpat

Hi, Hello, Assalamualaikum.... I know, i've been telling, mentioning, bagitau, habaq(apa lagi perkataan boleh guna?) hehe.. i've been telling you that i'd post up something a few weeks ago, but then i cooled of & decided not to. As some who are reading this right now would know that i've been facing "bitching" or orang melayu cakap mengumpat... haa.. I've got several friends or should i say frenemies? that have been going behind my back and talk shit about me, like come on right? we're not in secondary school anymore.. and some are even older than me, and some have even known me for years!!! of course i wanted to come out and tell everyone everything, but after careful thinking i decided not to. Why you'd ask? Just because by telling everyone who these people are and what they say and the truth behind their sneaky lies would make me exactly the stupid monsters they are. logically people who bitch behind your back are those who are insecure about themselves, I mean come on who would go around spreading rumours and hurtful comments just because I bought a pair of new boots or a new skirt? yes, they do. Even the news about me planning to get married this year became such a big issue, seriously? yes! I dont know what to do of this but I did let a few things out to my friend Iyna, she told me to just ignore them bitches and just zip my mouth and pretend that they dont exist and you know what,that is really true! A fire wont stop burning if we keep fueling it with what they want, so instead of fighting I just choose to keep quiet. Because at some point people will actually see that she's the only one trying to make other people look bad. right? okay maybe some might say this idea is stupid, but i think its the right thing to do.

Okay why do these girl do these things? and why are they bitchy? here are some that i have learnt before:

1. The Other girl has more or is more privileged than her.
    eg. The girl has more money, or perhaps has a better lifestyle, maybe has a better boyfriend and better clothes. Face the reality, just because they have more "expensive" things doesnt mean you have any less. You have a loving family and a whole lot of friends and dont tell me you dont have clothes on your backs because you might be the only homeless person with internet access right now. okay just kidding(or not).

2. The other girl looks better or is more confident with her looks.
     eg. Lets face it, we all have a little green goblin inside us(ok this is childish but it works) that gets all jealous when a hotter, prettier or maybe sweeter girl than us walks past by, but by backlashing the person is a bad thing to do. Just be her friend and perhaps you'll see that you guys are actually very in common, both beautiful girls.

3. The other girl gets everything she wants and they dont.
     eg. Her boyfriend gives her flowers takes her to expensive restaurants while yours doesnt. Come on, take a look back in the past,your boyfriend might not take you to these places or do things out of the movie screens but still he must have done something you loved to make you stay so long with him, right?

4. The other girl is trusted more than they are.
     eg. this happens alot when working in a group, and they want to do alot of things alone and basically be the teachers pet. They always want to be in the spotlight, so when another girl gets the most attention they would bitch bad things about her. What i see is that they sometimes dont understand that work is given evenly, and if a person doesnt trust you with things that might mean that you've done something to make them think otherwise.

5. The other girl is no longer her friend perhaps she left the poor girl or the girl just left her.
     eg. okay this thing works in two ways, one you might do something that irritates her or she found out you say bad things behind her back or other things and leaves you, not talk to you anymore and doesnt reply to your calls(if she has kredit). Or maybe you dont like the person anymore, the girl might not be a favorite in the group and is left out and you abandon her too eventhough she has helped you through alot. ooohhh... this means your a major bitch! this is a no.. no.. even if your friends dont approve of your bestfriend doesnt mean you have to leave them and bitch about them, just nod and dont say a word and keep her in contact. dont bitch about her and pretend to not know anything later.

Okay basically that is all that i could come up with right now, How do i know this? because once upon a time i might have felt the same and might have trusted these type of people and they go around and backstab me with their own words that they told was mine. I hate, hating people and I especially hate hating people I've known forever, so please!! If you are reading this, stop these stupid idiotic rumors, it makes you look stupid, immature, un-educated and of course you look like a lame sore looser! and lastly If you feel like telling someone about your problems or maybe you feel hurt because of someones irritating act,find just one person! one person you can trust, maybe your bestest friend? An Ustaz told me(In a talk of course), that women can tell their problems like these to their husbands and if she has a family problem choose someone close to you, preferably a woman in your family that you can trust, your mom? or perhaps a really close cousin? this is to ease your feelings and also to prevent Fitnah from occuring. Fitnah is not only things that are said that is not true, but also things that are said that we think is true. Come on, even if we think something is really true, and have seen it with our own eyes do we have the right to judge? do we even know why they do or say certain things? okay a quick last example, a woman is seen looking around the neighbours house and you're there and you see this and to you she's trying to peek inside to look perhaps to steal? but the truth is she's looking for the owner, she's peeking to see if she is home to ask for a favor. see? sometimes what you see might still deceive you. So lets not bitch, I'm practicing this myself and am trying to only say nice things about people.i regret sometimes making jokes about people because it could sound disrespectful if the person is there. So lets not be BITCHES, let us say just nice things (even without the person knowing).

eng: O you who have believed, avoid much [negative] assumption. Indeed, some assumption is sin. And do not spy or backbite each other. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his brother when dead? You would detest it. And fear Allah ; indeed, Allah is Accepting of repentance and Merciful.

Bahasa Melayu :Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Jauhilah kebanyakan dari sangkaan (supaya kamu tidak menyangka sangkaan yang dilarang) kerana sesungguhnya sebahagian dari sangkaan itu adalah dosa dan janganlah kamu mengintip atau mencari-cari kesalahan dan keaiban orang dan janganlah setengah kamu mengumpat setengahnya yang lain. Adakah seseorang dari kamu suka memakan daging saudaranya yang telah mati? (Jika demikian keadaan mengumpat) maka sudah tentu kamu jijik kepadanya. (Oleh itu, patuhilah larangan-larangan yang tersebut) dan bertakwalah kamu kepada Allah; sesungguhnya Allah Penerima taubat, lagi Maha mengasihani.(Surah al-Hujurat, ayat 12)

Okay, that's all for now & please excuse me for the grammer mistakes and a whole lot of other things, I'm not an English Pro or anything. Until the next time(I promise to write more often).

Yours Sincerely,

Ave Whitlock.