Thursday, 31 May 2012


Do you sometimes feel like everyone around you are just constantly changing while your still standing in one place not moving, not changing, not even trying to follow them. It all seemed strange to me how sometimes without realization "they" have changed and without realizing that we too are changing, but we still feel that we have not taken that step. I know, I'm trying to explain something that sounds illogical but don't tell me you have felt this way before?. Okay straight to the story then, today I had the chance to hang out with a few of my old friends and catch up with all that we have missed while we were apart. It bugs me to see that we've grown more mature and talk seriously sometimes about certain subjects that it makes me feel like I'm an old hag or something. On the other hand it brings joy to me to have found out that most of the people I used to know have now gotten married and are living pretty well. We kept laughing and laughing as we reminisce about our past and how it all looks so funny when it all looked so serious before and while that was happening we also realized   why our mothers used to worry about us girls anyway back to the main point, we are simply changing. Even as we try everyday of our lives not to change who we are, we are just simply changing. The nature of a human is to have friends and we act differently with different friends, and these characters that we developed are the people we are. We tend to be funny with certain people and are looked as the joker of the group because they get what we are saying while the other sees us as the quiet one cause we just don't know what to talk about and feel like we don't fit in. We change our dressing as we grow up following a trend that we ourselves don't realize, we used to wear ripped jeans and skull designed shirts with messy cropped hair because of our rock interest to changing into a more modest, feminine like person because we hang out with more mature people and people who are nice people (not that I'm saying my friends from the pass aren't nice). So my point is that some people claim to not changing who they are and sticking to what they believe in but actually, the truth is they are in denial. These people do not have the strength to change and show that they have changed and evolved into a better person, they label people with names such as "posers", "bimbos", "berlagak alim" and stuff like that when really they are just jealous of what they themselves are afraid to do. This is simply my observation, and when I see my friends changing it doesn't bother me at all actually, the change for the better has to be done. Me, I feel like haven't changed but when I looked back at my history I am proud to say that I have come a long way from being the naive girl from next door to a more independent girl(well in the making). People around me have made me stronger and have made me weak at some point of time before, people used to step all over me and I am not going to let that happen before. This is my change and hopefully we could all change for the better, it would make me happy to see people making fresh starts in their lives. That is all for now I guess? Till the next time.

Sincerely writing,

Ave Whitlock.

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