Thursday, 15 November 2012

lets fall into life

   Ilet my fate fall from his grace, as i take one step ahead i look back and see how far i've come to where i stand. Mashallah, jauhnya.. once i was so small and tiny and so fragile, sekarang? lari-lari, lompat-lompat. memanglah kan masa kecik dulu macam-macam cita-cita, nak jadi fashion designer, choreographer, theater director, journalist.. tapi last-last 1 pon tak lekat, kenapa? sebab mungkin berangan ni jauh lebih best dari kita buat benda tu. everything is fun when its a hobby, but when it turns into a job, its sucks! kan? dulu konon nak jadi director, scriptwriter but then again banyak benda susah jadi on the way seolah-olah Allah taknak aku pergi ke arah tu. tambah-tambah bila dah dekat nak grad. samalah masa aku masih dengan mr. S dulu, makin dekat ngan dia, dah kenal family  semua tapi makin banyak masalah sehinggalah aku istikharah dan sesungguhnya Allah ytunjuk jalan lain bagi aku, and Alhamdulillah aku sekarang happy dan insyallah akan d  ijab kabulkan tahun hadapan. dan to mr. S, no hard feelings I know u'r happy too and I pray foe the best for both of you, its just some people yang menjatuhkan my maruah in your circle of friends that i could not accept. Anyway, aku pon rasa yang that course is not meant as a career for me, plus banyak dosa datang dari that field anyway. since aku ambik that coursr it turned me into a loner and depressed person from the old and bubbly me who used to talk alot, sometimes i wonder where the old me is but i guess that period of time gave me time to become a more mature person(sikitlah). So, the me that decided to change my life course came from the me that observed myself for a long time and also the help of many too. I think the old me would surface again and i'll smile and talk more like i used to. pray for my best please, and i'll always pray for u.. i never forget all my muslim brothers and sisters in my bprayers, may Allah bless us with his wisdom and continue to help us through the way until the day we would have to leave this beautiful world. until the next time.


Ave Whitlock

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