Friday, 18 April 2014


Assalamualaikum, hi hello.. So semalam pergi Neng Geulis Hijab punya kedai. Ya Allah rambang mata u'olls... taktau nak pilih warna apa, mmg best2 belaka design. So belilah beberapa helai saja-saja try out and ternyata mmg best pon! I've been wanting to berhijrah(dengan erti kata sebenarnya berubah) dengan memakai hijab yang menurut syariat dan alhamdulillah Neng Geulis Hijab does just that. Tudung besar/lebar boleh ttup dada dengan baik memang terasa bertuah sangat pilih nak pergi kedai diorang. Okay sekarang ni apa relation Hijab tu dengan reboot ni? setakat nak berhijrah pakai tudung labuh je tak payah buat blog post kot? betul tak? jawapannya yes! anda sangat betul sebab tu apa yang nak diceritakan ni just a piece of the whole story.

   So sekarang ni I'm working as a Retail Assistant dekat Uniqlo, baru je a month and alhamdulillah memang tersangatlah best kerja situ working environment dia memang sangat positive, but after a month dah mula rasa macam this might not be for me. Kenapa? first of all sebagai seorang isteri I've wasted most of my time at my work place which isn't even my own business, so takda time sangat untuk suami sekarang ni dah nearly sebulan tak masak untuk suami & i feel really-really bad that I'm neglecting my marriage at an early stage. Second of all as a lot of people may have known I've dropped out of college at my final year because of some private reasons so I was planning on resuming my studies at Open University & my working time right now does not really allow me time to study AT ALL! Third is I'm beginning to thin that this job would be unsuitable for me when I'm pregnant(hopefully soon). The next point is it's hard to just get a break n go for prayers as sometimes you dont have anyone to cover for you especially when you are the cashier or you're assigned to the fitting room. Lastly when you work there you have to wear their items which goes back to the beginning of this blog, I wanted to Hijrah my self to wear more Muslimah clothing and lets face it not all Uniqlo items are muslimah friendly especially the jeans where mostly are skinny, slightly straight & legging jeans.

     So right now I'm in a huge dilemma patut ke berhenti? Is it selfish of me? Am I doing the right thing? I'm going to do istikharah  tonight just to keep me from lingering about it. I dah bagitau suami pasal hal ni & dia agak setuju dengan pendapat ni. Yelah, lelaki mana yang suka isteri dia kerja sampai lewat malam kan? & sekarang dah jarang jumpa & He would love his wife to not leave her prayer & be a good muslimah.

Insyaallah Allah permudahkan perjalananku.

Pray for the best,

Ave Whitlock.

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