Tuesday 19 March 2013

The Sweet, Sad and Angry video

so tadi tengah-tengah browse facebook aku terjumpa this one video. Bila dah tengok rasa macarh, sedih semua berbaur-baurlah. tengok dulu lepas tu baru aku start explain kay?


so dah tengok? kalau tak tengok pon takpalah, suka hati. At first masa video ni baru start aku macam alaa... sweetnya lelaki ni.. Then tengok "ala... dia kerja diam-diam untuk girlfriend dia..so sweet.. sama macam hubby saya", then at the middle dah start menyampah! bukan dekat lelaki tu tapi kat perempuan tu,
yelah.. sapa tak marah? menggatal, menggedik ngan lelaki lain. If he's just a friend that's totally fine, tapi dah kalau berpeluk, cakappon manja-manja tak ke lain tu kan?and to top it off, they did it in front of the guys own eyes. Huh... nasib baiklah benda macam ni tak pernah terjadi kat aku, kalau jadi aku sunatkan lelaki tu (for me it will be a guy lah kan?not a girl). So itu saja kot? tiba-tiba rasa nak update pasal tu..hehe.. so mungkin moral dari video ni, apa-apa nak buat bagitau and dengan sapa, and tolonglah please people.. tolonglah jadi setia and jujur. hokay? a positive life is a good one!! until next time!


Ave Whitlock

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